Enrichment - Life Beyond the Classroom
At Thorley Hill Primary School we work very hard to ensure that the children get a broad and balanced curriculum. We also value the many other opportunities that we are able to provide the children whilst they are with us. Each term we offer a range of extra-curricular activities (see the termly offer on the extra curricular page) but this is only part of the story. Have look at what has happened each term. It gives you a flavour of how many opportunities we try to provide for our children.
Autumn Term 2024 - Click the Picture
Take a look at some of the experiences the pupils at Thorley Hill has in Autumn 2024
wider curriculum offer autumn 24.pdf
Spring Term 2023 - Click the Picture
Take a look at some of the experiences the pupils at Thorley Hill had during the Spring term of 2023
wider curriculum offer spring 23.pdf
Summer Term 2023 - Click the picture
Here are some the activities our pupils experienced in the Summer Term 2023
wider curriculum offer summer 23.pdf